
Sensor Global

56% of fire-related fatalities occur in homes without working smoke alarms.
Sensor has created a world-first ecosystem of intuitive software and always-on interconnected smart devices that provide a cloud-based workflow compliance software for Property Managers to better protect tenants and ensure compliance.

The Sensor Ecosystem
At the center of the ecosystem is the Sensor Hub that connects all the Sensor safety alarms, and with the intuitive software, manages the connections and automated remote testing of smoke alarms. The hub will alert for issues and potential safety concerns, and with the Sensor Cloud software users will enjoy a new line-of-sight, level of compliance and control over smoke alarms (with reportable audit trails).

The PropertyMe and Sensor Integration features:

  • Sensor automates the remote testing of smoke alarms, meaning there is no longer a need for an onsite visit by a smoke alarm company or electrician to test smoke alarms.
  • You can choose how many times a year you want alarms tested, and the Sensor software automates the rest, including communicating with tenants.
  • Sensor alerts you if a tenant tampers with or removes a smoke alarm in their property.
  • You only need to manage exceptions (e.g. tenants tampering alarms), as all testing is remote and automated.
  • Property Managers no longer have the hassle of managing contractors for testing of smoke alarms (which is legislated).
  • Tenants no longer have the inconvenience of random smoke alarm industry workers coming to their homes.
  • A low annual subscription fee for property owners.

Sensor digitises the remote testing and management of smoke alarms, saves the property manager time, provides better compliance, will save more lives, and gives landlords an improved asset with smart technology. Only working smoke alarms save lives.

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