Bricks and Agent
Bricks+Agent brings you a comprehensive suite of features designed to revolutionise property management. From automated maintenance to insightful data analytics, experience efficiency at every step.
We all lead busy lives and property maintenance + inspections can be hard. Whether you are an agency with hundreds, or thousands of properties, you are a service provider looking to generate more business and use technology that greatly assists your business to grow, or you are a property owner that wants more visibility over the tasks completed at your investment properties or you are a tenant that wants to easily log maintenance requests and track them through the maintenance + inspection processes. We have developed a platform that makes property maintenance + inspections a breeze.
As a property manager, bring your existing service providers + give them more business opportunities on the platform for not only your jobs, but those of your tenants + owners. You can also conduct inspections remotely or onsite with our inspection tools allowing full video recording and one click maintenance. Both you and your service providers can use the interactive marketplace that allows you to find tradies working in your area if you need things to be done by someone who is close, but it also allows the service providers to find work opportunities that they never had before.